
on Sunday, January 2, 2011

That photo a day thing? I had originally wanted that to be a photo that I took THAT DAY. Of course, I never specified that, so.. well... ppllbbbpppttt.

I think I stepped outside ONCE today and that was just to toss out a bag of trash. Today was spent cleaning and putting away all of the Christmas stuff, and CLEANING. Oh and more cleaning.

The more I cleaned, the more M trashed the place. That child is SO ready to go back to school. Her normal bed time is around 7:15 to 7:30 p.m. Tonight, knowing she had school tomorrow, she was heading up to her bedroom at 6:30! Woo.

Her playroom is still a disaster area. But my foyer, kitchen, bath, living room and the bedrooms are ALL CLEAN. I have 2 loads of laundry to finish up tomorrow and the kitchen floor needs washing and then I am DONE. For a whole day! LOL

So, the photo of the day is not going to be one that I took today because I never got out. At least I am posting SOMETHING.. in a few minutes...I don't want to just post a pic for the sake of posting a pic. I want it to be something of meaning.



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