It started snowing again yesterday afternoon. T and I were in the next town over. We got home in just enough time to get M off of the bus. I had some laundry to do so I kept sweeping my way down stairs. When I awoke this morning, I was sorta shocked at how much accumulation there was.
For the first time since yesterday, it has stopped snowing. I need to go out and shovel now.
Here is what I awoke to this morning, around 7 a.m.
And this, was taken just about 10 minutes ago out the kitchen window. It has gone from near white out conditions to just a few rogue flurries here and there.
People keep asking me if I am ready to go back to FL yet. I love it here. I always have. I spent my life in a climate just like this. I had only spent 12 years in FL. Sure, it is nice to not have to deal with the snow. But I have always loved it. When I was in FL and would see everyone complaining about the snow and the cold, I was always a bit jealous, as I really missed it!
Anyway, I have to go shovel....
For me, snow is all right if I have nowhere to go. But driving 50 minutes or so to work just plain SUCKS. Not snuggling in bed while it snows SUCKS. Not staying in the warm house doing crafts while it snows SUCKS. Not doing that while drinking steamin coffee SUCKS. Catch my drift? (get it? drift?)
Har har. Yeah. I get it... see.. I get to do all of those things now while it snows though. LOL
The 2nd picture with the snowflakes and the icicle is particularly beautiful. I know snow is hard to deal with and terrible to drive in but it is so beautiful. Beautiful pictures.
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