That would be M using her sled as a shovel. That child was determined to build a fort. I need to find one of those block igloo maker things so we can make a REAL fort the next time we get a good snow. *sigh* I love her. :)
Team Henderson on Tuesday, January 25, 2011
That would be M using her sled as a shovel. That child was determined to build a fort. I need to find one of those block igloo maker things so we can make a REAL fort the next time we get a good snow. *sigh* I love her. :)
Guess you guys got a bit of snow...huh?
Just a wee bit. We are getting absolutely hammered right now though!
that's a nice hat she has there!!!!!
Actually mom, that is a hat Lisa got her for Christmas! We had not received the one you had made her yet!
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