
on Thursday, February 10, 2011

Years ago when I lived here as a kid, there was a row of blackberry and raspberry bushes along the cemetery, on the backside of a neighbors fence. They had the biggest, tastiest berries EVER. My friend L and I used to pick them and take them home. My mom would make jams, pies, muffins, etc. We would eat and eat and eat them, until we were ready to bust.

So, just now, on a Facebook page for our little town, a few of us were messaging back and forth about stealing fruits and veggies outta gardens when we were kids, and my friend D says "just do not plant anything in the cemetery!" An aside? We are all going to get together this spring to try to give the cemetery some love, as it is in major disrepair. Okay, so back to D's comment. All of a sudden it hit me..

The bushes! Were they so big and do so well because of the, uhm... well-fertilized ground there??
Oh man. I cannot tell you how grossed out I am right now!! Eep.

Funny though, no matter how gross. We never ever thought along those lines as kids. If you could have seen my face just then, when the thought crossed my mind! I am quite sure it was priceless...


Anonymous said...

erf hahahaha

Unknown said...

You know whats funny is...when D said that comment she ment don't plant anything there cause you all would steal it. But its funny cause it made you wonder if the dead people had fertilized the berries hahahahaha

Team Henderson said...

Stace! LOL

Jen - I am tellin yah.. I am traumatized!! :)

Chaos is my Life said...

I think they do...personally. ;o)

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