I know that most of you who read here, follow me on Facebook. Which is why this place tends to get ignored. There is more interaction on Facebook. That is why blogging kind of irritates me. Yes, I blog for me. But knowing there are people reading... well.. COMMENT all ready. LOL All you have to do is use your gmail login. If you don't have one, you can sign up for one in about 3 seconds. It is free and you never have to use the email addy for anything but SHOWING ME LOVE. Hah.
Anyway, I went out the other day for a drive, and spent some time watching my river. :)
It really fascinates me. It was moving so fast, and there were these HUGE sheets of ice floating by...
They were crashing into the pylons, shaking the bridge. I was glad to get out and get some air. I sure do look forward to a clear, friendlier river this summer!! It was very windy and cold and so I watched for awhile, but when I could no longer feel my face and hands, I figured it was time to call it a day and head home.
I have something to share on your facebook... lemme go find.
You take great pic's, jen, but then you do everything great!!!
Okay, okay...I will!!
That river is might high! ;o)
I'm here!!!!!! ;)
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