I started watching Days of Our Lives back when I was in 3rd or 4th grade. My mom always watched soaps. She liked some of the older ones like One Life to Live and The Young and the Restless.. She watched a lot of them.
I can remember watching a short lived soap called Texas. I LOVED it. It did not survive.
I watched Days and General Hospital for years. As soon as I got home from school, my friends and I would tune in to watch Days and GH.
One of my funniest memories with my friends was watching an episode of GH. At this time, I was not particularly a fan of the show. I watched because my friends did. In this episode, a man named Tony was dying. His wife sat in the bed with him and held him as he died. All of my friends were crying and misty-eyed at Tony's passing.
And there I sat, on a couch with my friends Doberman as the rest of them hovered around the tv in shock over Tony's passing. I simply could not help myself, but I broke into song. That song was very popular at the moment. It was by a band called the Cutting Crew and was called 'I Just Died in Your Arms Tonight.'
I just started singing "Oh I, I just died in your arms tonight. It must have been something you said. I just died in your arms tonight. Oh I, I just died in your arms tonight. It must have been some kind of kiss. I should have walked away . I should have walked away."
I thought it was a moment of genius. The rest of them did not, and started throwing pillows and such at me.
To this day, it makes me giggle uncontrollably. I thought it was hilarious! hahaa.
So T was watching todays episode of Day's. He made a comment of how cheesy it was. (yet he still watches LOL) and I admitted as much. It got me talking of past storylines and he was like "WTF?"
It was quite a conversation LOL. I know that some of these shows are cheesy and predictable and lame, yet I still watch. I love Days.. if I miss it, I get irritable. LMAO!
Do any of you watch any soaps? Which ones? How long have you watched?
When i was Maya's age, I used to go to the puerto Ricans house a few doors down to be babysat. The mother watched General Hospital, when Luke & Laura met. Thats all I remember. Soaps are like The Sims and YoVille; A WASTE OF TIME. Now excuse me, I have facebook to stalk.
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