It is getting colder by the day. Bbbrr. Saw some people that I have known since I was a kid. They are all pill heads. Awesome.
We still have a few boxes hanging around that we need to get put away, and the office is still a mess. I need shelves in the worst way. T is adjusting well, I think. So is M. She started school last week. Of course, now she has a week off because of Thanksgiving. I am trying to keep her busy.
T is working. I hit the books once she goes back to school next week.
We are all sick. No one is down and out yet though, so there is that!
This old house needs some work. Hoping we can do it justice.
The knob on the heater broke. Ugh. It is just the plastic knob, not the dial itself, which is a good thing. Getting estimates to put in central heat and air.
Also getting an estimate on fixing the grape arbor. It needs to be pruned back, and the supports under it need to be redone. It has collapsed under the weight of the vines. It is HUGE.
Aaannd another estimate to fix the stairs going down to the apartment. They are crumbling bad, and my cousins wife has already taken a tumble down then as a result. Thinking about framing them and concreting them ourselves.
There is an old scraggly apple tree in the yard. Thinking of taking it out and planting a maple a little further out in the yard.
Someone remind me to get photos of some the giant pine trees around here. They are magnificent.
REALLY wanting to knock out the windows in the dining room and put in some french doors, and build a two story deck. HAHAA. Like THAT will happen.
Maybe if I win the lotto or one of those home makeover shows. *sigh*
My family, are all (mostly)alcoholics. I knew this. I just didn't know how bad it was. It makes me sad.
There are like 20 stray cats living across the street. This bothers me....
I am cold.
And tired.
Here are a few pics of random stuffs.
Crap. Nope. That will have to wait.. sorry. LOL
Server issues. :|
Pill heads and drunks. Great. Just when you think you're out, you get sucked right back in. Thats a line from Godfather.
You're cold?!?!? It's going down to -8 tonight...that's celcius.
Good to hear from you again Jen!
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