I do not know what I am doing wrong. This kid does.not.listen. At all.
I will ask her, or tell her, not to do something. She will ask why. I give her a solid reason. She looks right at me and tells me she is going to do it any way. I have tried time outs. I have taken things away from her. I have threatened. And yes, I have spanked. NOTHING works. And before anyone jumps on me for spanking. It was a spanking with my hand. I do not beat my child. You may not agree with it and that is ok. It was a last resort.
I cannot just throw my arms up in defeat. So WHAT do I do? She is turning into a nasty little thing and I am at my wits end.
She is awesome at school, or when she is over at my cousins house. I know she is supposed to test boundaries and all of that, but DAMN.
I have already made up my mind that tomorrow, if she flat out refuses to clean up her playroom, she will wake up the next day to an empty room. I will bag it all up and put it downstairs. And maybe even give the stuff away.
I have so had it already.
I love her more than anything. There are certain things that I want to teach her and I am failing miserably.
Oppositional defiance disorder. Google it.
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