
on Saturday, August 13, 2011

In three days, my baby will turn 5 years old. *cries*

She is an amazing kid. She is a bit lippy at times, stubborn as all Hell, and a bit feisty too. But she is smart, she has an amazing imagination, and she is lovable. I could go on and on, there are just not enough words to describe her. She is wonderful and we love her so very much. I am quite proud of the kid she is. She whines too much and is a bit of a drama queen (see stubbornness listed above lol) but when she hugs me for no reason and tells me that she loves me? *sigh*

She starts Kindergarten on the 21st. We have her 5 year check up on the 18th. We get to meet her new teacher and see her new school here in the next week. Lots going on!

For her birthday, my mom got her a bike. Her grandma got her a camera! (SO excited to take her out with me, camera in hand!!) We got her some Zhu Zhu pet stuffs since she has been bugging the HELL out of us for them.

I am excited for her. I remember my 5th birthday party.. :)
I cannot wait to go bike riding with her and taking pictures with her! How awesome!!

I do wish time would slow the heck down though. Jeesh. It is just flying by... ugh.


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