New place again.

on Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I know, I know. I change blogs too often. Sorry about that.
I was going to have two separate blogs. I was going to keep this one for family related things, things to do with M and the like, and the other one I was going to blog other things, like my interest in gardening, photography, cooking, etc.

However, several people made comments to me that they would rather just have one blog to read. So I am going to TRY to smoosh it all into one blog, the new one...

IF I find that it gets too chaotic over there, then I shall post family/M related stuff here and the other stuff over there, as I intended.

If you do not already have the URL and would like it, please drop me an email at jen dot henderson at gmail dot com.

Thanks for playing... :)

Zoom zoom!

on Wednesday, August 17, 2011

This next week is shaping up to be a busy one! Today so far I have cleaned the bath, made the beds, gathered the laundry and started a load, made breakfast, snuggled with a Pea, watched Spongebob, straightened the living room, put a ton of toys away....and now I am blogging!

I still have to vacuum, damp mop the floors, shower, and get out of here to meet someone in town for some REALLY cool pink lights (for M's room!) that I snagged off of a local 'flea market' Facebook page, and then it is off to civilization to get the Pea school clothes!

Then, this evening, we have to meet her teacher between 5:30 and 7:30. I am both excited and nauseated about this. LOL. I mean, I am SO excited for my little girl to start this part of her life. Then, I think about what it was like for ME and I just pray (hard) that she has a much easier go of it. *sigh*

So, I guess that I had better get my butt in gear if I want to get all of this done. After the school meeting, I have to finish up in my office tonight so that I can start painting tomorrow! YAY!


on Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I am officially the mom of a 5 year old.
Happy Birthday Pea. We love you so very much!! I cannot wait to see what unfolds before you as you start kindergarten this year! You are an amazing little girl and it is really an honor being your parents...

Love, Mommy and Daddy!!

Oooh boy.

on Monday, August 15, 2011


Early bed time FAIL for sure.

M is in her room, yelling at the top of her lungs, "Living is the WORST thing in the WHOLE WORLD!!!"

And then she mumbles that, "This was to be my best day EVER.. now it is RUINED!"

Drama much? Time to cut back on the Spongebob, me thinks.




This is the week to try to settle into a routine. M goes back to school on the 21st. We have been letting her stay up pretty late these last few weeks. It has been nice having her up and around with us, out playing in the yard til dark and having fires and stuff. It is time though to get back to 'normal', and that means a 7:30 bed time. I started last night. Bed time was 8 p.m. She resisted a bit, but it was not too bad. She did not get a bath, and she totally should have LOL! So tonight, I have to have dinner ready by 5, the kitchen cleaned up shortly thereafter, a bath for the pea, and her in bed by 8 tonight. Then, tomorrow night, we can do the same and aim for 7:55 p.m. I figure if I can up it by 5 minutes each night, easy peasy.

Of course, nothing ever goes according to plan, so we shall see. :)

I am supposed to be hearing from her teacher this week. And I need to find out where in the hell she gets the bus. I will take her on her first day. The school is just about 5 or so minutes up the road. I will let her make the decision as to whether or not she wants to take the bus.

I am so nervous. I really hope that she adjusts well. I hope that she likes it and that she makes friends easily. So far, she seems like the type of kid that can handle any situation. She is not shy. She gets right in there and seems to have no problems jumping right in and making herself at home. LOL.

I am still nervous though, even if she is not.

I was thinking today that, so far, she is a pretty confident kid. I hope that she never loses that, EVER. Somewhere along the way, when I was very young, I lost my confidence. I do not know if there was really a defining moment, as I can remember a few instances that were quite damaging to me. And I just hope with all that I am that she never has to deal with that.. I will have to blog about that later. It may help ME to finally get it off my chest. *sigh*

And with that, I am off. I have a ton of things to do today.. Have a good one! And thanks for reading! :)


on Saturday, August 13, 2011

In three days, my baby will turn 5 years old. *cries*

She is an amazing kid. She is a bit lippy at times, stubborn as all Hell, and a bit feisty too. But she is smart, she has an amazing imagination, and she is lovable. I could go on and on, there are just not enough words to describe her. She is wonderful and we love her so very much. I am quite proud of the kid she is. She whines too much and is a bit of a drama queen (see stubbornness listed above lol) but when she hugs me for no reason and tells me that she loves me? *sigh*

She starts Kindergarten on the 21st. We have her 5 year check up on the 18th. We get to meet her new teacher and see her new school here in the next week. Lots going on!

For her birthday, my mom got her a bike. Her grandma got her a camera! (SO excited to take her out with me, camera in hand!!) We got her some Zhu Zhu pet stuffs since she has been bugging the HELL out of us for them.

I am excited for her. I remember my 5th birthday party.. :)
I cannot wait to go bike riding with her and taking pictures with her! How awesome!!

I do wish time would slow the heck down though. Jeesh. It is just flying by... ugh.


on Friday, August 12, 2011

This is about the coolest thing I have seen in FOREVER.



Savoring the moment.

on Thursday, August 11, 2011

Life in Terra Alta is good so far. I have the windows and doors open. It is about 75 degrees out today. Breezy. Wonderful. The air smells like hay. The clouds are all puffy. Some one is mowing their yard. T just lit the grill. M is outside playing. I am taking just a moment to blog and then I am OUTSIDE for the evening.

Right this very moment, life is most awesome. Except that I miss my mom and wish that she were here with us...



Ok, so. I posted on Facebook the other day about it being my moms last day here. My cousin's kid must have seen it, because a bit later my mom's phone rings. It was my cousin, apologizing. She said we could keep the washer and dryer, but the fridge belonged to her daughter and they wanted it back. Understandable. Fine. She told my mom that she was sorry, that she just had not remembered saying we could take the stuff, but that the fridge was never hers to give away and she had forgotten about it. Whatever. So, cousin's kid came with her hubby and nephew to get the fridge.

She came with them. She came in the house, mom showed her around sorta. She said hi to me and said for me to visit whenever I am down that way and that she would come to see me too when she was in the area. Pfft. I did not say much as I know she is full of it. I lived right across the damned street and she never came to see me....

She never apologized to ME... for being a witch and slamming the door in my face. She never apologized to ME for treating me like I am some sort of low-life thief.



And yeah Stace, the washer and dryer are old. The washer leak is fixed and the dryer? You just have to dry small loads at a time. All my stuff gets dry now in about 35-40 minutes, as long as I keep the loads small. It is better than having nothing and having the schlep it all to the laundromat.. so I am thankful. VERY thankful.

And that is that. I probably will not have any contact with these people at all.
I want to ditch them all on Facebook, but omg the drama that would ensue? Meh.
I NEED to just ditch Facebook for awhile, but I cannot. I am too connected to too many GOOD people.

Look! Another post!

on Sunday, August 7, 2011

So we are almost unpacked. I have a few things to move around tomorrow, and then it is time to get into my office to rip down the wall paper. SO looking forward to that. NOT.

Everything is finding a place. I love this house. I feel so at home here. The hood is so nice and quiet!
I have to re-pot some plants tomorrow too, before they keel over on me. I also want to get the tiki torches into their respective places. We have a cheap little grill for now. It is better than nothing, but sobering in regard to what we used to have. *sigh*

I am hoping to get the office in order this week. By the weekend I hope to have pics to post here. We still have to organize the garage as well.

Then? I hope to get out with my camera to explore the area a bit and get lots of pics! :)

For right now, I am going to mess around on the internets and then hit the hay!


on Saturday, August 6, 2011

I have been quite busy lately. I miss blogging. ;)

We are all moved into the new house. It is wonderful in ways that I cannot even describe. Our first few nights here, and it just felt like home. Even with boxes and crap all over the place!!

It is so nice and quiet here. I love the house... We got M's room painted and her new bed in place. I have some touch up to do, and some finishing touches to do and her room is done. I am not doing anything with our bedroom, as I like it the way it is. Mom's room is ok the way it is too...for now. The living room will have to wait (want to replace the ceiling and put up new molding) and the kitchen is loverly. The wallpaper where the fireplace is, and down the hall, has got to go. That will be a winter project though.

I was going to paint my office. I am on the fence though. I WANT to paint it, yet I do not want to tear off the wallpaper and actually paint it. I suck at painting. LOL. So, we shall see what happens with that.

We still have quite a bit to unpack and the garage needs to be organized yet. But we are in and enjoying it here. M LOVES her new room.

When we left the old place, my mom had asked my cousin if she could buy the fridge, washer, and dryer that was down in the apartment. My cousin said not to be ridiculous, to just take it.

So we did.

When I went over there yesterday to get the mail and my plants, she opened the door and did not even say Hi to me. She grabbed the mail, handed it to me, and then said, "Uhh.. what happened to the refrigerator, and the washer and dryer that was down in the apartment??"


So I answered, "Uhh. You told my mom that we could have them...." And she says,"No. I SAID that it was to stay with the house."

I was quite taken aback, as that is NOT what happened. She had come over to the house to talk to my mom. My mom let her know that we had a closing date, and that we would be out by months end. She then asked her one simple question, "When you sell the house, do the appliances need to be here?" Cousin said, "No. Why?" At that point my mom told her that we were interested in buying the fridge, and washer and dryer that were all down in the apartment. Cousins exact words at that point were,"Oh Aunt J, don't be ridiculous.. I do not want your money. Just go ahead and take them." My mom then said, "Are you sure?" And cousin said, "Yes. Just take them. I just want to be rid of this place.."

The conversation then turned to other things and that was that.

So, I said to her, "NOOOO. You told Mom that we could take it...."
She gave me a dirty look and said, "Well, I do not remember saying that."

At that point I just looked at her and said, "Well, if you can get someone with a truck, come and get them..."

She said, "Oh. I will get someone up there..." She sort of snorted, all condescending like, and slammed the door in my face.

Right. Okay. I think the thing that pisses me off the most is that this woman has known me MY ENTIRE LIFE. And even though we have lived many miles apart from one another for most of our lives, she KNOWS ME. She KNOWS my MOM. And she KNOWS that we are NOT the type of people who are going to make off with THREE major appliances without an OKAY. I mean, really? What the hell?

I am pissed off beyond words. But more than that? I am crushed. I cried the whole way home after that. It really hurt me... Ugh.

More to come later..including lots of pics!! I need to do some major purging..



on Monday, August 1, 2011

I looked out the window just now, and I can see the big dipper. It must be an illusion, because
It looks enormous. I know that I am a few thousand feet above sea level now, but I cannot comprehend that it makes that much of a difference!! It is huge compared to what it looked like when I would be sitting out by our pool... interesting.. and with that, I am off to dream land. More to come tomorrow!