
on Monday, July 11, 2011

Everyone always says, “Just write for you, and no one else! It does not matter if people don’t read; you are not doing it for them.”

Ok, partly true. However, the fact that I have been at this since 2000, and I literally have 3 readers really sucks. OUCH.

People always tell me that I am a fantastic writer. Really? Then where in the hell is everyone? I must be boring as HELL. I swear.

There is really no point to this for me anymore. I mean, I like having the outlet. I like to blog. But, with no one really reading and having pretty much NO interaction with people, it just doesn’t do it for me.


Okay, okay. Enough whining. We all know that I am not going anywhere. Apparently, I am a sucker for punishment. LOL.

Now, a REAL post will come later.


Charlie said...

I'm still reading Jen, and love your writing. Don't stop blogging!

Bless said...

Hello, long time lurker here! Please keep blogging, I really enjoy your writing! I'm so sorry for not leaving any comments sooner. I can be a bit insecure that way (too shy, always wondering what people will think, etc). And some days, I'm just too lazy :S Anyway, if you decide to move on, I just want you to know that I think you are wonderful :P

Team Henderson said...

Charlie! *waves*

and extraonions! I remember you from way back. Did not know you were still out there! HI! *waves*

Your cards are AMAZING.. was just over at your place.. WOW. :)

Bless said...

*waves back!*

Thank you for the compliment! And funny that you remember me :D …I haven’t blogged in my other one for a long time now.

Btw, your photographs are really beautiful... you should blow them up and frame them!! Or put them in a photobook :) You are one of the reasons why I started card-making. I remember thinking to myself, now here's a woman who has talent and doing something about thank you for inspiring me ;D

I'm so glad that I commented yesterday. This is so much fun :P

Jo Ann Alpert said...

I'm still here. I think I've been following you since 2000 back during the crazyisland days. Keep blogging, it is good for the soul.

Sue said...

I'm still here, Jen. Sporadic (sorry) but here, rooting for you. *hugs*

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