Ok, I guess I can vent this here cause I think there are like 3 of you reading this still...
First, let me say that I DO believe that she is guilty. Second? I did not even watch the trial, just heard what was going on in the news. I was NOT SHOCKED by the jury's decision. I think they acted accordingly. Before you scream at me, just wait. I will explain in a moment. Third? I am REALLY finding it hard to keep my mouth shut on Facebook. The things people are saying!! Eeee man. I mean, I guess I sort of understand, as right now people are being ruled by emotion.
But COME ON people!! There are rules and laws and you cannot convict someone just because you feel that she is a douche with no soul!! All of these comments that I am seeing where people are like "What is WRONG with that jury??" and "Florida should be ashamed!"
Jurors have rules that they have to follow. They have to listen to the evidence presented. They have to listen to the defense try to tear holes in the state's evidence. If there is REASONABLE DOUBT, they do not convict. And there was reasonable doubt, at least in regards to EVIDENCE. *SIGH*
Ok, that is it. I am done. LOL. *steps down off soapbox*
I found myself thinking the same things the other day. Everyone was reacting out of emotion, and emotion is something the jury could not use to decide Casey's fate. The jury made the right decision.
I agree with you. I saw part of an interview the other night with one of the jurors. What he said made sense about why they had reasonable doubt. We did not see all of the evidence up close like they did.
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