Allergies and sleep.

on Saturday, March 5, 2011

M has allergic rhinitis... or.. allergies. Both of her ears are good to go, but she is to take Zyrtec in the morning if needed, Benadryl at night, and we have to saline flush her nose at night. THAT is going to be fun. Oy. I also have a nasal spray for her if she needs it. We need to get her a warm-air humidifier for her room too. Not sure how we are gonna do that though. *sigh*

Since moving here, T has slept upstairs in the bedroom, and I sleep on the couch. He has severe sleep apnea, and while he uses a CPAP machine, it is not working very well for him at the moment. He needs a sleep study and we have to go to Pittsburg for that, over night. Again, no money to get a hotel and stuffs. So.. not sure when that is gonna happen. Also, the bed up there is a full size bed. Not nearly enough room, as he also has restless legs. He keeps me awake so I just sleep on the couch. Well, THAT has been KILLING me. I do not sleep soundly, I cannot get comfy etc.

So last night I dug out the air mattress and set it up in M's room. I was going to sleep on it in there but she decided she wanted to 'camp in'! We put her little tent thingy on it and she had a ball in there with her books and her flashlight! And momma got to sleep in a bed. All.night.long.

Seven hours of uninterrupted, glorious sleep. I feel like a new person! WOO! M slept all night too, for the first time in weeks. She did not wake up coughing. She slept soundly and is a ball of boundless energy this morning!

I left the kitchen a mess last night, which I never do.. because I was too excited to crawl into bed! So this morning, I came down and made coffee and cleaned up the kitchen. Then I sat outside with the Pea and watched/listened to the birds. It was about as perfect a morning as it gets. My momma being here could have made it truly perfect though. :)

How was your morning??


Chaos is my Life said...

I went to bed at 10:30 last night and crawled out this morning at 8:30. I had two really bad night previous so I was looking forward to some good shut eye. It was okay....still tossed and turned but way better than the other nights. Woke up to sunshine and a hot cup of tea.

Team Henderson said...

Ooh sunshine and tea!! Jealous! Been raining and gloomy here for DAYS. ugh. :)

Unknown said...

soon baby, soon

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